History of Bengal Vol-1 Edited by Ramesh Ch Majumdar PDF

History of Bengal Vol-1 edited by Ramesh Ch Majumdar PDF.

Book – History of Bengal Vol-1 (Hindu Period),
Category – Historical Books, English Books,
Edited by – Ramesh Chandra Majumdar,
Format – PDF,
PDF Size – 44 MB,

History Of Bengal Vol-1 by Ramesh Chandra Majumdar PDF

The History of Bengal (Hindu period) Vol-1 edited by Ramesh Ch Majumdar.

We know that the first volume of The History of Bengal (The Hindu period) edited by Ramesh Chandra Majumdar was published in May 1943. The second and third volumes, which Sir Jadunath Sarkar had to cover the early Muslim and Mughal periods, respectively, were planned at the same time. First in 1936, and under normal circumstances it should follow in 2 to 4 years. But time or not being normal and a number of unforeseen difficulties are not only delaying the publication of their editors, but also forcing them to change their plans.

Its first and foremost difficulty is stronger than the inadequate knowledge of the fact that almost every part of the Hindu era in the history of Bengal has been worked by a large number of modern scholars who have produced high quality fruit – except the Muslim era.

When published The History of Bengal (Hindu period) Vol-1?

Some kingdoms still remain undiscovered lands, and they are still compressed by almost the same fog of tradition and the deceptive light of religious deception, which surprised Captain Charles Stuart when he wrote the first history of Bengal in English 130 years ago. Even the chronology of many early Muslim rules in Bengal is still unresolved because their coins are so scarce and so poorly executed that their dates cannot be read with certainty.

This one of the modern studies has been most strongly felt in the socio-economic and cultural history of medieval Bengal, the only exception being the study of Vaishnavism, which is of course related to the Mughal period. Students of the economic history of their province have been conservative in their focus on the British period and it was a trade in Bengal in the late 17th century when the service was rarely scratched in the rest of the country’s history during the Muslim period.

Who is Ramesh Chandra Majumdar?

On the 13th of September 1935, the Vice-Chancellor convened P a general meeting at his house, of local citizens and University teachers interested in the subject, and a committee called the History of Bengal Publication Committee was formed at the meeting composed of the following gentlemen: — 1. A. F. Rahman, Esq., Vice-Chancellor, Dacca University — Chairman, 2. Dr. N. K. Bhattasali — Secretary, 3. Dr. S. N. Bhattacharyya — Jt. Secretary, 4. Professor Ramesh Chandra Majumder, 5. Sir Jadunath Sarkar, 6. Dr. Kalika Ranjan Qanungo,7. Hakim Habibur Rahman and 8. Mr. Sharafuddin.

The Committee formally met immediately after the general meeting, and its first task was the framing of a tentative Scheme of Work for the consideration of the Executive Council of the University.

Mr. A. F. Rahman very generously announced at the inaugural meeting of the Committee a donation of Rupees one thousand in memory of his deceased mother, and Dr. Kalika Ranjan Qanungo, Reader in History, promised on behalf of the Friends’ Library, Qanungopara, Chittagong, a contribution of Rupees fifty. History of Bengal Vol-1 by Ramesh Chandra Majumder PDF

History of Bengal Vol-1 (Hindu Period) PDF

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